Automate & simplify Sourcing, Purchasing & Selling
Explore the features that will be available soon
Create Demand
Inform the whole community of your needs with a public demand.
Stop wasting time looking for product or service.
Create Request Information Template (RIT)
Define the information the suppliers should provide in their offers.
No need to enter again and again the same information in your Demands.
Filter Offer
Compare offers based on Request Information Template (RIT).
Comparison is improved (automation) and unbiased (RIT).
Create Offer
Add a private offer to a Demand or create a public offer available to all.
Attract new customers.
Search demands by category and place.
Identify more business opportunities.
Create company profile
Create your company page. All provided information will be verified by us.
Increase your company's visibility and reliability.
Get company information
Get reliable and verified company information
Get a confidence rate for each company.
Add Reference
Describe products or services delivered to your customers. Furthermore, those customers can add feedbacks.
Improve the confidence and trust a customer can have in your organization.
Add Certificate
Publish your certificates for making them available to all.
Make this information easily accessible.
Get trends
Identify trends for public and private demands.
Keep track of your industry trends.
Validate business idea
Let the whole community assess your business idea.
Each member can give you a feedback or rate your idea.